Rough cut
Audience feedback was critically important to our production. This is because when you watch and edit your own production so many times, you can't see the errors. Therefore some feedback from the audience is helpful in order to highlight where the production may need to be changed and edited. Also a rough cut is essential to carry out so that the group can understand how much time, effort and footage we need in order to make a successful production. Our rough cut proved to us that we needed to film more footage as our music video, is hard to follow and understand for the audience. Due to audience feedback we was able to understand that the narrative was not clear, without feedback this we would not be aware of the narrative not being clear.
Firstly we received audience feedback from screening our production in class and on youtube. When screening our production in class, the first form of feedback was from our teacher, who outlined how the video was good, but had to much overlapping of shots. Therefore we began to adjust and better our music video. We then showed our music video to peers within the classroom and the feedback was similar to our teachers feedback before. The feedback we received from friends were that the music video was good, but they found difficult to understand without my group explaining the narrative to them. Therefore we went out to film more footage of the friendship, memories scenes. We also received feedback via youtube.
Feedback will benefit our production and music industry. Firstly the benefits it will bring to our production is that, we will be able to adjust and adapt our production in order to suit and appeal to our target audience. This will then lead to a more successful production. Using the feedback we will be able to easily identify the sections of our production that need to changed and therefore will make our time more efficient and effective in creating the best possible music video production we can.
Firstly as you can see from the youtube comments, Danny Wheeler gave us a positive and negative comment. To begin the positive comment was how we had good transitions between scenes. After receiving this feedback we ensured that we carried using transitions between scenes when making final adjustments. Danny also gave us negative feedback, which was that our performance scenes were repetitive. This meant that although we had good use of transitions between our scenes, the performance scenes were to often through out the music video therefore as a group, we decided that we need to film some more footage and incorporate a bigger range of scenes into our music video.
Secondly another comment we received was from Kerry Boyne, she also gave us one positive and one negative feedback. The positive feedback was our editing techniques and especially the overlapping of shots. We had also received negative feedback, so this was difficult to take on board and we decided that this editing may be a controversial part of our video and may be liked and disliked. Kerry also left some negative feedback on our music video which was, that our narrative is not very clear. The outcome to improve our work after this feedback is ver similar to Danny's, the outcome is to incorporate more scenes into our music video, in order to make the narrative clearer and overall a more successful music video.
Finally and thirdly another positive comment we received was from Alfie Harris via youtube, The positive feedback was that we had good camera angles, this was due to our group having used the tripod effectively, we then made sure that we kept a range of camera angles when we filmed any more footage. Alfie also left a negative feedback which we had also already received previously, which was that our narrative was unclear. This meant that as a group we had to change and adapt our music video dramatically in order to improve and make our music video narrative easier to understand. Therefore our plan is to film enough footage to include more scenes and clear up the narrative.
In conclusion the feedback we received was very useful to our group in order to make our music video as successful as we could. We have taken on board all feedback constructively to make sure our target audience can understand and like our music video. Overall this has helped our group make our time more efficient in targeting parts of the music video that need to be changed and adapted in order to succeeded