Monday 6 July 2015

Research into Goodwins music video theory

Goodwins music video theory

Goodwin's theory is essential to acknowledge when analysing a music video because it shows a music video should consist of in order to succeed.
  1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.
  2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals.
  3. There is a relationship between music and visuals.
  4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur their work.
  5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
  6. There is often intertexual reference.
  7. Whether the video is primarily performance based, narrative based or concept based.

50 Cent - 21 Questions ft. Nate Dogg

1) Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics

The genre of this music video '50 Cent - 21 questions ft. Nate Dogg' is rap. There are many characteristics of the rap genre which are also displayed throughout 21 questions music video. For example a narrative based music video and violence.

Throughout the music video from start to finish most of the content is narrative and concept based with some performance involved. This is common convention of a rap genre as the artist try to describe and show a story through their songs. Therefore the narrative was used to show how 50 cent is involved in illegal criminal activity in order to make money, the concept was based around being a criminal and the performance was when 50 cent sings to the camera.

2) There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals

In the music video 21 questions there is a relationship built between the lyrics and visuals in order to help the audience clearly understand and follow the song. Artists do this in order to keep the audiences attention and so that the audience is clear on what style of music video it is.
An example in 21 questions is when 50 cent is on the phone in prison asking he's girlfriend questions to reassure him that she still loves him. "If I wrote you a love letter would you write back"  this relates to the visuals as in prison the inmates write to there loved ones. You then see another inmate put the phone down and 50 cent punches him. This is a classic convention of a rap genre music video. The lyrics match the visuals this is similar to performance style as we can see 50 cent raping through the phone.
Another example is when is at he beginning of the music video 21 questions 50 cent says "New York city" this matches the visuals as the setting of the house and the clothing 50 cent and he's girlfriend are wearing illustrates a American lifestyle. We can see this by the urban neighbourhood and when the police car is driving 50 cent to prison. This is conventional as we expect to see relations to where the artist comes from. This is due to the artist wanting to be able to express how they feel and show the lifestyle they live in.

3) There is a relationship between the music and visuals

There are elements of relationships between the music and visuals throughout the music video. This helps to make the music video flow and benefits the audience understanding of what the artist is trying to express. Also to create a more memorable and successful music video.
My first example from 21 questions is when the camera shots are changing on each time the background beat is replayed. Particularly when 50 cent is allowed to see he's girlfriend in a cabin in the prison. The camera is changing to different angles in time with the beat. This allows the audience to feel in time and also helps the narrative fit, As the tempo of the song stays at a constant beat the audience could lose track quite easily. Therefore the music and visuals having a relationship and matching helps to create a more successful and easy to understand music video. That was essential is 21 questions as it is mainly narrative based.

4)The demands of the record label will the needs of lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop which recur in their work.

The concept is shown in 21 questions music video, when there is various close ups used through the use of cinematography.  The close ups are mainly used on 50 cent to show he's facial expressions and the performance style of the music video, to show him rapping in time with the song.  The use of close ups help to build a relationship between the artist and the audience, because the close ups give more meaning behind the lyrics as the artist can then show their emotion and expressions clearly to the audience.
The use of close ups on the audience is that it makes the song personal to them. This is because the audience will feel like the artist is singing to them. Therefore making the music video more personal, relatable and understandable which will effectively make a more successful and entertaining for the target audience.
Also the close ups highlight the importance and dominance of the artist. It also shows them in a voyeuristic light which will lead to the fans thinking of the artist either as a role model or fancying the artist. This would lead to more publicity and promotion for the artist.

5) There is frequently reference to notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body

This element is frequently used within the music video 21 questions. The use of looking at the female body in a voyeuristic way is presented through out the music video. This is evident in the scene of; 50 cent in prison being aloud to see he's girl in the cabin. The artist ( 50 cent ) looks and touches he's girlfriend in a voyeuristic approach.
This element makes portrays the artist to be getting what he wants and overall making him look superior to the other prison in mates.

It also portrays females to be valued as the song relates to trust and loyalty. This is evident when 50 cent keeps having viewings just with her no other friends or family. It also does show the female body and reference to particularly voyeuristic treatment. This is evident in the scene that 50 cent and the girlfriend are seen kissing and cuddling. This is typical of a rap genre video and very conventional as females are seen to be objectified and used to make the artist look good. In this case the female is not being seen in a objectified light but she is conventional as she is the rappers girl and sticking by he side even though he has gone to prison.

6) There is often intertexual reference

There is intertexual reference within the music video to the film 'get rich or dye tryin' which is a film about how 50 cent grows up into a rapper and what happened a long the way. As there are some of the same actors in he's film in the prison scenes as inmates. This is done to convey that some of the people in the same circumstances as him ended up in prison. Therefore this shows that he's lifestyle is dangerous and criminal based. This is conventional of a rap artist, as most rap artist are known to rap about the hard times and struggles of their life. Using an actor from the film of get rich or dry tryin, allows the fans of 50 cent to relate and remember both the music video and the film. This is beneficial to the artist as he will receive more publicity and recognition through the media and word of mouth, therefore creating a successful music video.

7) Whether the video is primarily performance based, narrative or concept based

The 21 questions music video is primarily narrative based, this is due to a high amount of the music video illustrating a story about 50 cent.  Through out the music video most of the shots were showing 50 cent in a bad mood or upset towards the camera and then happy when he got to see he's girlfriend. This presents the music video as very much narrative based.
The music video does have some elements of a performance and concept based video. The elements of the performance based video are when 50 cent is rapping down the phone to he's girlfriend and when he is rapping to the camera. This is performance as it is done to entertain and engage with the audience. Finally i think they're are two small concepts of the video even though it is narrative based, these are; being loyal to your partner, and a criminal theme/concept. This is due to the location being in prison and the iconography of the big amount of money in cash at the beginning of the music video. Also the concept about being loyal, is shown through out of 50 cent being happy around he's girlfriend and only seeing her in he's viewing times, and ringing her. This shows that he cares about her and therefore leads to showing loyalty and commitment.

In conclusion analysing a music video with Goodwins theory has helped me understand how and what should be included in a music video in order to make it successful. The fact that 21 questions covered all of Goodwins theory and is evidently successful by the 104 million views it has on youtube. From analysing 21 questions using Goodwins theory i think it will help me to remember to include each of the seven points, when filling my own music video.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient understanding of how the music video follows Goodwin's theory. You have made a start in identifying the seven different characteristics and have related your points back to the rap genre well too.

    1) Consider the relationship that is created between the artist and the audience in further detail
    2) Consider which characteristics you would like to include within your own music video and why?
