Monday 14 December 2015

meetings and schedules - Miss Miller

Meetings and Schedules


Its is important for my group to meet and have regular discussions on ideas for our music video, so that we can innovate and better our soul genre music video. By having a Schedule where everyone can attend, we are able to fairly have a shared amount of input from each member. This is constructive so that the music video will be based around all of ours ideas, and we be a group and team effort. A music video that is discussed over a long period of time is going to be far better, than a music video that is briefly discussed for ten minutes. Therefore we made sure we organised our time as a group, and let the discussions last as long as they needed to, in order to ensure we all have an understanding of what we are planning on creating.


Overall my group work sufficiently well, we organised and used our time efficiently and we kept changing and bettering our ideas of what we want to include in our music video. In my opinion the whole group gave a fair amount of input to the discussions. We also criticised each other to better the ideas that were not up to the groups standards, for our music video.
It was extremely beneficial to keep note  of what we had discussed and planned, because between meetings we forgot certain things we had discussed. Therefore keeping track and record of what we had discussed, also allowed to re-visit what we had already discussed and go over our decisions before moving on, which would take a small amount of time because we had it written down what we had previously discussed in the previous meetings.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic post but with a good table to demonstrate how you recorded and documented your meetings and the discussions within them. You have briefly mentioned the importance of recording your meetings, but have not really elaborated on its benefits, or mentioned how you created a group chat to supplement the table and ensure that when people were absent in lessons etc. they were still aware of what was discussed etc.

    You need to:
    1) Refer to a few specific examples from the table/group chat to evidence how it was beneficial to the group exactly
    2) Elaborate on how this impacted your filming for the better/worse
    3) Refer to the group chat and how this also enabled your group to keep a track on what was said etc.
