Thursday 19 November 2015

Risk Assessment - Miss Miller

Risk Assessment
The purpose of creating and having a risk assessment is to identify the possible risks that may injure the team when filming. By identifying the risks I can come up with solutions to lower the chance of the risk actually happen. Therefore by coming up with not just one but two ways to ensure the risk does not occur. I am preventing the group from being in danger or getting hurt when filming, which is important for all our health. I identified six risks that could occur when filming at our chosen locations these are: rain getting on them camera, falling of the stage, getting lost in London, moving the piano, filming in the dark and trailing leads. These are all the possible risks that could occur when we film out music video. 

Our risk assessment was stuck to and helped sufficiently in ensuring everybody's health and safety. We followed our risk assessment through out filming especially when we filmed in the hall. The trailing leads of the microphone were wrapped around the microphone stand so that the leads were out of the way and out of any danger. The risk of falling off the stage was prevented by each member watching out for each other, when they were near the edge of the stage. For example I was told a few times to be careful as I was near the edge. This was effectively making me aware of how close I was to the edge and stopped me from getting any closer and falling off.  We did not encounter any further risks when filming, this shows that we planned our risk assessment sufficiently and carefully. Overall the risk assessment raised everyones awareness in the group of the possible risks that could happen, and therefore prevented them when we came to film, as we was all aware and more careful in everything we did when filming. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound recount of your risk assessment, explaining the purpose of it as well as providing the example of the detailed table that you completed in preparation for filming.

    You need to:
    1) Explain in more detail what was/wasn't followed and how the risk assessment helped you consider different issues that you may not have thought about before
    2) Explain the purpose of the different columns within the risk assessment and how it helped you structure your plans
