Wednesday 7 October 2015

questionnaire - miss miller


uIntro – why was research carried out? Why did you ask 40 people? How will you use results to create your music video?
Include pie charts and explain what each chart tells you (paragraph of analysis of results after EACH pie chart); explain what you will then take on board and give examples of what you will use in your own video and why for each pie chart
Include a paragraph on the theory you have chosen to apply to your questionnaire and music video (CCCS, McCracken or Hebdige).
Include a paragraph on vox pops and what the purpose of them was; how were they beneficial?
uConclusion explain what you found useful within the research; how you will incorporate your results into your music video, and what you might do differently if you were to carry out the research again

Research was carried out to gain a further understanding of our target audiences preferred style of a soul genre music video. Research was conducted so that we had a outline of the types of codes and conventions we should include in our music video, so that we knowledge of how to create a successful music video. We targeted 40 people in our questionnaire so that we had a wide spread audience, which makes the results more meaningful and summarised for our target audience. Also by asking 40 people we would be able to gain an idea of the target audiences preferences and dislikes in a music video. I will then use our results, to construct our music video, by either developing or adapting the most popular answers to the questionnaire.

From this pie chart 'What is your gender' I can get an understanding the target audience is both male and female, which is also quite equally shared. There is slightly more female fans than male but overall, Adele targets the mass market of both male and female. The slight shift to the female target audience is due to Adele's songs involving heartaches over men, which is more relatable for a female because they may have gone through similar circumstances. Therefore  allowing the female audience to build up a relationship with the artist. 
        The reason for carrying out this closed question in our questionnaire is to get an understanding of the gender of Adele's target audience. Therefore we can get an understanding that it is slightly more female than male but overall quite equally split. This has helped understand that the soul genre target audience is both male and female. When I construct my music video I will ensure that it can be relatable to both male and female.

From this pie chart 'What is your age group?' we can get an understanding of the age group we had carried out the questionnaire on. From the results of the pie chart the most common age group to be involved and have interest in our questionnaire and Adele was the age group of 19-21. This is the most popular age group because Adele music is easily relatable in that age bracket, this is because when Adele's heart break took place she was around this age, so the 19-21 aged audience have the best understanding of what it feels like, because they have likely gone through similar circumstances and can feel sympathy towards Adele. 
         The least amount of people we surveyed was the 27-30 year old aged people. This age group is not specifically targeted by Adele as they are an older generation but do still have a interest in her music and is important to take onboard 
what there thoughts are, as they are involved in a small majority of the target audience.

The next question we asked was 'What is your preferred style of music video?' From the image of the pie chart you can clearly see that the most popular answer is narrative being 50% of the 40 people we questioned. Then performance being second most popular and obviously concept a small majority. Narrative is the most popular preferred style of music video. This is because within the soul genre, the artists tend to write songs about the past, and portray there story through a narrative based style of music video. The results we got leaves us to choose or include both of the narrative and performance base due to being the most popular answers. I think including both music video styles in the music video will allow our group to make a successful music video, that targets the largest possibly target audience.

The next question was 'What is your favourite editing style and why?'  The favourite answer was slow paced editing taking a third of the pie chart, the next in line was filters with almost a quarter of the pie chart. When my group and I come to construct our music video, due to these results these will be the main two editing styles we use. The slow paced editing will be used to with close ups in order to express the artists emotions and feelings. Which will make the scene more relatable and understanding for the audience. Also the use of filters will likely be black and white filters. This is because soul gene music videos commonly use black and white filter as it represents the past, and Adeles songs are what have happened to her in the past, therefore using the filters makes the song more understandable. The least favourite answer was Jump cut this is due to the soul genre being slow and transitions being used between shots. A jump cut would rarely be seen or used in a soul genre music video and therefore was why it was the least frequent response.                                                               
Another question on our questionnaire was "What camera angles do you find must effective in the soul genre music videos and why?" This was an open question but for the sake of the pie chart we listed the most popular answers. The Most effective camera angle was the close ups, from my research I can understand that the audience prefer a close up because they can see the artist emotions and feelings clearer than any of shot, which allows them to build up a relationship with the artist. The long shot and mid shot were fairly equal on our pie chart and a popular answer. This is due to the soul genre artist usually using locations that relate to the meaning of the song, and show these locations through to use of a long shot. Also the mid shots are frequently used through a soul genre music video to show their costume. As the costume plays a role in how the artist wants to be portrayed, an example of this is when Adele wears dark colour clothing the emphasis the struggle and pain she is feeling. All of these shots will be evident in our music video as we want to make a realistic soul genre music video that is as similar as we can get it to Adele music video.


The next question asked was ' What is it about Adele that you like ? ' The two most popular answers were voice and relatability. This is due to Adele's voice be unique and different to a lot of the other artists in the music industry. The relatable received just as many votes on our questionnaire. This is because the content of soul genre music is typically based on personal experiences. Therefore if the artists song is about something the audience can relate to, it increases the relationship between the audience and the artist. The results from this questionnaire will be taken on board and the most frequent answers will be used within our music video. In order to create a liked and successful music video.

The next question asked in our questionnaire was 'Explain what sort of theme you would feel you would like to see in a soul music video?' The most common answers were shared between love, heartbreak and family which is conventional to the soul genre music videos. Most soul genre music videos are themed with the idea of love. Love can be involved in heartbreak and family, so the overall theme that audience would like to see in a soul music video is love. This will be taken onboard when constructing our music video. The most commonly used narrative is that the artist has just had a tough break up and is heartbroken, and lost in herself. This could be a potential narrative that we use in our music video.

The next question was an open question ' Describe the setting that you would normally see in a soul music video?' This part chart was quite equally split between the answers being: city, isolated, pub/bar and the most common being stage. This is most likely because when an artist is on stage they are in their natural environment which makes the performance more genuine. Soul genre music videos hold a lot of emotions and rawness within their songs and i think we will use a stage in our production. As it would look professional on a stage and relate to the soul genre music videos. The stage would be used but also the use of green screen in order to include some of the other location such as isolated. I think the green screen could hold a setting where it is isolated, and therefore become more conventional to the soul genre music videos.

The next question on our questionnaire is 'What is your favourite Adele song?'  this was a closed question because we gave the audience a list of songs they could have choose from. The most popular answer was hometown glory. We planned to use the song hometown glory and after carrying out our research, we could clearly see that we had made a good choice as hometown glory had a third of the pie chart, the most popular answer. This song doesn't include the typical heartbreak theme that you would normally expect from a soul genre music video. But is still very conventional to the genre as it conveys a theme of family and her love for her hometown, and how she wants thing to go back to how they were when she was younger. The audience can build up a relationship with the audience as they would be of a similar age, and can relate to this sort of feeling of wanting to wind back the clock. Overall from this question it has given my group a boost in confidence with the song choice and has kept our plans of using this song together.

The final question we asked was 'Why do you think Adele is conventional to the soul genre?' as you can see from the pie chart the most favourable answer was that Adele sings about conventional topics. Her topics are mainly love based, and in context with heart breaks and the consequences of break ups. Another popular answer was that she uses closes ups frequently in her videos. This is evident and is conventionally to the soul genre music videos. As it makes the artist more relatable and overall helps for the audience to build a relationship with the artist because they can understand the emotions and pain of the artists through the close ups being used. Overall this pie chart will help me when constructing my music video because i will use the most popular answers, for example: 'sings about convention topics' and then use them in my music video in order to create a successful music video, and conventional to the soul genre.

In conclusion our questionnaire has benefited our group in deciding on codes and conventions to include in the music videos, locations, song choice and more. All of this is extremely vital to get correct in order to make the music video as engaging as we can for the target audience. I will be using most of the favourable answers and constructing a music video around them in order to be conventional to the soul genre aspects that our target audience expect.

Subculture - A group of people who are united through a common value system and tastes. A group who are positioned outside of the mainstream. (go against what is popular )
Most subcultures are seen as rebellious and have an attitude towards capitalism and consumerism. 
Grant McCracken believes the post modern world is full of diversity, dynamism and creativity. I agree with McCracken as he says that if we look at the array of values, and ideologies then we can't say all sub cultures come from one culture. They must come from various cultures but are able to be 'Self Sufficient' (stand without mainstream cultures). I agree with Grant as i think that the sub cultures in the world are a mixture of different cultures, and this can be evident if you look deeper into the sub cultures and get an understanding of the cultures that are involved in the sub cultures. 
Vox Plots

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very basic analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, but not going into enough detail on what you will include within your video as a result, or making it clear why you created vox POPs

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain what you will include (specific examples) within your music video because of your results
    2) Unclear some of your open questions are actually open. You need to evidence this by explaining why certain people chose the answers given (Reasons for their choices)
    3) Include a paragraph on why you made vox pops of your questionnaire
    5) Elaborate on your conclusion by explaining how this has benefitted your and what you would do differently if you could do it again
    6) Elaborate on subculture theory paragraph, by explaining how (Examples) you will follow the particular theory you have chosen in your music video, and how it applies to your results
