Thursday 1 October 2015

What is the purpose of a magazine album advert - Miss Georgiou

 Magazine advert

  • To promote an artists album / tour
  • To reach a wider target audience (people that read magazine as well as listen to music)
  • To act as a constant reminder of the upcoming album 
  • To link in with other advertisement of the artists to create more marketing
  • To get support from other companies that could push sales further 
  • To link in with any articles within the magazine on the artist ( benefits for both the magazine and artist)
The purpose of a magazine album advert is to promote the artists album or a tour they may be doing. Its is to reach a larger target audience,  this is done by targeting both the people who read the magazine and listen to music. It is purposely made to act as a constant reminder of the upcoming album so that when it is released there will be a buzz and excitement around the artist and album. It is also to link in with other advertisement of the artist to create more publicity.  By having a magazine advert it can help to get support from other companies that could push sales further. Finally it is to link in with any articles within the magazine on the artist, which benefits both the magazine and the artist.


 The Adele poster advert is effective in promoting Adele's album 'Adele 21'  The image on the advert is very similar to the image on the actually album cd cover, this is on purpose so the audience can easily identify the album after seeing the magazine advert. The darker backgrounds convey a theme of sadness and darkness these themes are stereotypically seen in the soul genre music videos, they are portrayed through the use of the filter 'black and white'  the black and white represents looking back on her past, and this filter has been used in several soul genre music videos.
 Also the actually image of Adele is hiding half of her face in a shadow. This represents Adele to be coming out of the dark and moving on from her past, which the audience can get an understanding that Adele may have been going through a tough part of her life and is now finding a way out. This automatically suggests to the audience that the music in this album will be about her struggle that she went through in previous years. The audience can then build up sympathy for the artist as they have an understanding, and feeling sad for the artist because they have been through a hard time.
The design and layout of the magazine advert is promoting Adele's name and look through the extremely large font of her name and her photo taking up half of the magazine advert. This makes the artist memorable and raise's the awareness of how she is reflecting on her past due to the artist looking down. The artist looking down portrays to the audience that she is thinking about her past, which is effective in engaging the audience to think about what Adele could be thinking. This overall makes the audience interested in what the album is about and will lead to the audience purchasing the album in order to find out.
The choice of having the image of Adele and the image of the album cd cover both on the same advert. Is raising awareness of what the album cd cover looks like, which therefore will catch the audiences attention when they happen to see the cd, and may lead to the target audience purchasing it. The use of having the large image of adele covering most of the advert, suggests to the audience that a large part of the songs are all to do with her and what she has gone through. By the design having a dark background it doesn't tell the audience what she is going to be singing about, but suggests problems or hard times that have effected her. Therefore the design and layout of the advert captures the audiences attention effectively  creating a lot of questions for the audience, which overall makes the magazine advert a memorable and conventional to the soul genre.

As you can see from the magazine advert, Adele is represented as lonely and down. This can be understood by the use of the close up which allows the audience to see her facial expression and body language. Her eyes are looking downwards which connotes someone who is upset and sad. Therefore the audience can get an understanding of how the artist is feeling and begin to build a relationship with the artist if they have similar emotions.

Paloma Faith

Within the the magazine advert the dark black and brown colours portray dark and sad representations within her music. This is stereotypical to the soul genre because the soul genre are known for displaying dark and sad themes for example heartbreak and being away from family. This is what the audience expect and can relate to, as they have usually gone through similar circumstances. Due to the audience expecting this sort of theme, Paloma Faiths magazine advert is effective in engaging with the audience as soon as they see it. Another conventional aspect of Paloma's magazine advert, is her facial expression and the way she is looking away not making eye contact with the audience. This suggets to the audience that within the songs the hidden meanings may be something that Paloma is embraced about and therefore can't look her audience in the eye. This is conventional because in the soul genre artist stereotypical have a bad past which they are not proud of, because the artist is not looking at the camera. The audience can get an understanding that the artist is not looking back at her past anymore and is moving on. The audience can relate to the artist as she is been seen as sad but strong at the same time. Also she looks confused and lost, which is stereotypical of a soul genre artist. This is because soul genre artist are seen to be isolated and lonely, and example artist is Amy Winehouse, Amy's isolation and loneliness was conveyed through most of her music videos, an example music video where isolation and loneliness is highlighted is 'tears dry on their own'. Therefore Paloma including this connotations of being lost and confused, is stereotypical and seen regularly in the soul genre music video.

Also the font used on the artist name is white which represents innocence and a fancy font which represents the artist to be elegant. The font saying 'Paloma Faith' is the biggest font and placed central so it is the most eye catching, memorable and engaging for the audience. The artist name needs to be the centre of attention so it is not forgotten. This also advertises not just her album she is releasing, but her as an artist. The artists hair colour being ginger portrays the artist to be energetic and fiery which is not conventional to the soul genre. This is because the stereotypical soul genre artist would be portrayed as being unmotivated, down and vulnerable. Due to Paloma challenging a convention of soul artists helps to make her stand out and catch the audiences attention. Which overall creates high publicity which successful markets Paloma as an artist. Also their are certain words that are used to help to promote Paloma, for example: sensation, this makes Paloma Faith music sound unique and creates an intrest for the audience, as they will want to now listen to the album to see why it is sensational.  

In conclusion both of the adverts focus on the artist with the use of close ups, this is so the audiences attention is not diverted away from the artist. Both artist do portray the soul genre stereotypical through the use of colours and close ups. This is because both magazine adverts use the darker colours, such as black which represents, unhappiness and trouble.  Overall the research i found when analysing the two magazine adverts, will help me when I come to make my magazine advert for our groups chosen artist: Adele. Something that will be used from this research is the use of a close up on the magazine advert. This is because the close up, straight away engages the audience and captures their attention and it also ensures that the audience can relate to any facial expression or emotion that the artist is trying to convey to the audience. Overall both of the magazine adverts I analysed helped to further my knowledge on the music genre and what to include when I create my magazine advert.


  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of what the purpose of a magazine advert is. This is because you have not explored all the points from the lesson and have only provided an overall, instead of writing an in depth analysis.

    1) You need to refer back to the lesson and ensure that you have included all the points
    2) Elaborate on the points that you have included on the soul conventions and how the text appeals to an audience
    3) Watch SPAG
    4) Elaborate on the points that you have included in your introduction
    5) Be specific in your conclusion, by explaining what soul conventions you would like to include and why

  2. This post now demonstrates some proficient understanding of what the conventions are of a magazine advert and how they promote an artist. You have made a start with elaborating on your points, but further analysis and discussions are still needed.
